Thursday, February 5, 2009

MIA - Stalkers - x girlfriends - predators - or just plain chicken

This tactic is inexcusable. Your default facebook silhouette is designed to suck from the outset. It's screaming for your attention to change it. All the while being polite and not pushing you to do something you're not ready for, facebook silhouette is compelling you to never use it again.

"Hi, I'm your facebook silhouette. If you haven't noticed yet, I look nothing like you. You should go ahead and update this as I'm not designed to be permanently affixed to your profile. If you don't update me with a real picture your friends will laugh at you (some right on your wall, others gossip in confidential notes -- just like high school)."

Your friends will want to see what you look like. This helps them resolve a few important questions:
  1. "OK, I recognize you." Think of all the Mike Smiths or Jennys you know. Who doesn't have a friend named Jenny? Female facebookers should always include their maiden names.
  2. You are who say you are. It's possible to vaguely remember the name and completely draw a blank on the face. Your chances of a 'confirmation' will increase if you provide both a name AND a face. Facebook helps by showing you friends in common.
  3. Validation: if you're fat, old, or showing early signs of a meth addiction, your new friends will appreciate instantly knowing they're better than you.
  4. Guaranteed compliment if you replace your profile silhouette with an actual picture: "You look great, and you have an adorable family."
Some people have devised elaborate workarounds by posting pictures of their offspring, kittens, puppies, famous cartoon icons, cleavage, tattoos, beer logos, walks on the beach or any one of a number of possibilities. And I can assure you, facebook silhouette is damn proud of them for doing it. At least they get it, you know?

Don't be a pussy. If you're still using facebook silhouette on your profile then you are failing at facebook.

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